Our Curriculum

Whole School Vision

The King’s Leadership Academy motto is “Credimus”, which means “We believe”. We believe that all the young people who come to us have the potential to develop the academic skills, intellectual habits, qualities of character and leadership traits necessary to succeed at all levels and become successful citizens in tomorrow’s world. Our curriculum is designed with this belief at its core.

The ASPIRE values of Aspiration and Achievement, Self-awareness, Professionalism, Integrity, Respect and Endeavour provide the pillars of character which underpin everything we do. 

In addition to specific Character and Leadership lessons, the values are woven into all aspects of our broad and balanced curriculum. The curriculum itself is devised in such a way that it enables students to build up a rich body of knowledge over time. It reflects the needs of our students, enabling every individual to develop a sense of pride, confidence and positivity in themselves and their prospects for the future.


The King's Curriculum

Academic Skills and Intellectual Habits

Students will be supported in developing the scholarly habits, learning strategies, personal organisation, and time management skills they need to help them master their learning. Irrespective of their starting point, we are dedicated to ensuring all students succeed. By teaching our students how to learn they will leave us with the confidence that they are able to continue their personal development in any direction that inspires them.

Character and Leadership

To become successful citizens and leaders of the future we help our students become socially aware; develop a strong moral conscience, be resilient individuals and become effective communicators. Regular time is devoted to giving the students an opportunity to exercise their leadership and teamwork skills. In addition to regular opportunities to showcase their work, praise in lessons and around the school instils a sense of pride and positivity in our students as well as respect for others. This fosters the motivation to strive to be their best in all circumstances.


Our Key Curriculum Aims

  • To develop the character of all our students through their mastery of the ASPIRE values.

  • To provide opportunities for students to hone their leadership skills.

  • To have at its heart a strong academic core with students studying the English Baccalaureate (EBACC) which keeps young people’s options open for further study and future careers.

  • To create the King’s Experience by providing various opportunities led by our staff and our cross trust Personal Development team. These opportunities include:

    • Joining the Combined Cadet Force (CCF) which gives students the opportunity to learn how to command, teach and lead. In addition there will be other exciting opportunities such as learning to fly.

    • Residentials designed to stretch and challenge our students, building their character and providing opportunities to excel in demonstrating our ASPIRE values.

    • All students are supported in completing their Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) awards which give them an opportunity to develop a skill, help their community by volunteering, get into a healthy habit of exercise and plan and execute a team expedition. 

    • All students have a voice at King’s through our School Parliament along with the opportunity to become cabinet members or even the school Prime Minister.

    • Participating in our annual school productions, plays, and showcases allows students to perform, direct, learn technical, artistic or organisational skills, depending on their passion. 

  • To be truly inclusive. As previously mentioned, we believe in the potential of all our students. Our curriculum and high level of staff training is designed with this in mind to ensure all students succeed and are celebrated.

  • To create well-rounded passionate students through our enrichment programme. Every Wednesday afternoon our students get two hours of enrichment opportunities which reflect the skills and passions of our staff  including: fencing, jujitsu, dance, gardening, crochet, British Sign Language and journalism.

  • To ensure students leave us feeling positive about their future. All of the above in conjunction with our excellent World of Work programme gives students opportunities to explore careers that may suit them and the skills they will need to secure the job of their dreams.

  • To provide regular opportunities to read and develop literacy skills as a fundamental element of personal, academic and emotional development.

King's Leadership Academy Warrington Curriculum

Subject Rationales

Clubs & Activities