At King's Leadership Academy, the Drama Department envisions a captivating learning experience that allows students to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery through the medium of drama. Our vision is to inspire and nurture the creative spirit within every student, preparing them not only to excel in the dramatic arts but also to apply the valuable skills acquired in all aspects of their lives.
In the early stages of their drama education, students will engage in a curriculum that fosters inquisitive minds. We believe in cultivating a sense of curiosity about the world around us, and this is reflected in our teaching approach. Through a diverse range of activities, students will explore voice, movement, character creation, storytelling, analysis, improvisation, and scripted work. These fundamental skills are the building blocks of a rich and multifaceted understanding of drama.
As students progress to Key Stage 4, they will continue to build upon the foundation laid in KS3 while developing a deeper appreciation for the world of drama. Our KS4 curriculum centres around the BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts, which provides a student centred approach to learning. During year 9 and 10, students will hone their artistic skills further and collaborate intensively to create both original and scripted performances. They will also gain a comprehensive understanding of the performing arts industry, igniting a passion for pursuing a career in this field. Our goal is to empower students with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive as artists and performers while fostering independence and self-driven creativity.
The Drama Department at King's Leadership Academy is a place where students explore their creative potential, where passion and expression thrive, and where a supportive environment fosters growth and self-confidence. Our vision is not only to teach artistic skills but also to instil a lifelong love for creativity, preparing students to excel in the dramatic arts and beyond. Together, we will discover the boundless possibilities that studying drama can offer.