Ms S Hall

Assistant Principal


My name is Sophie Hall, I am the Director of Science and Director of Key Stage 4 at King's Warrington.

As Aristotle once said; ‘Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all’, this quote truly reflects my journey into teaching. I started my career by securing a First Class Honours degree in Biomedical Science from Lancaster University (being one of the first in my family to attend University) before choosing to pursue a Master's degree in Science Education through Chester University. I pride myself on my enthusiasm and dedication to inspiring our next generation of learners within Science and have a wealth of experience from teaching across Key Stages 3, 4 and 5.

I am passionate that regardless of starting point, every child should have the opportunity to fulfil their potential and share in the excitement and wonder that comes from learning about the natural world. I pride myself in my enthusiasm, positivity and caring nature that I share with all staff and students on a daily basis to help coach and guide students into becoming resilient, aspirational, respectful young adults in an ever-competitive world.

Beyond the classroom I am at my happiest when I am on long, Welsh countryside walks (rain or shine!) with my family and dog. I love being a Mum and spend a lot of time in the kitchen cooking or baking - my inner scientist loves following a method. I also play the Violin and have done since I was six years old and enjoy reading around my subject with recent discoveries, scientific advancements and applications within the field of Human Anatomy.