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King’s Leadership Academy star student begins studies at Oxford University


Amber Ford, former student of King’s Leadership Academy Warrington, has successfully secured a place at the University of Oxford to study Medicine. Amber, who will be studying at University College, is delighted to be learning at such a prestigious institution and was “in disbelief and really excited” when she found out she had been accepted into the UK’s top-ranked university. After completing her university studies, Amber intends to secure a career in surgery and/or in a cancer hospital.

Amber, who progressed from King’s Warrington on to Priestley College to study A-levels in Biology, Chemistry and Maths, believes her time at King’s Leadership Academy was instrumental in preparing her for further study and future success. She says: “King’s always pushed me to do my best academically and ensured I was kept engaged in lessons, allowing me to frequently read above the syllabus. This prepared me well to do my best at A-level and study for the entrance exams needed for medicine.” Amber states that she would recommend King’s to other students who intend to pursue higher education at institutions, due to the wide range of skills the school instils in its students: “King’s provides the extracurriculars and soft skills needed to assemble a competitive personal statement and succeed at interview, as well as the time management and discipline to achieve highly academically.”

During her time at the academy, Amber had the opportunity to take part in numerous extracurricular activities, which greatly enhanced her university applications: “I was able to participate in many extracurricular activities that strengthened both my application and my personal qualities - such as Cadets, participating in the school parliament, and my Duke of Edinburgh award.”

Mrs Burrows, Director of Values and Behaviour at King’s Leadership Academy, describes Amber as “the epitome of a King’s student”, who embodied the school’s ASPIRE values and was an excellent role model for younger students. Mrs Burrows also says: “Amber was a member of our Student Parliament, CCF programme and valued ambassador for the school when we had visitors. Her endeavour and work ethic were second to none; this did not just include academia but extracurricular activities such as coding. We look forward to hearing about her flight path and journey into her future.”